Fig. 1.
NMDA bath application increases the expression of several miRNAs. a QRT-PCR analysis of miRNA expression 4 h after stimulation with NMDA (30 μM) or bicuculline (Bic, 50 μM). All tested miRNAs except miR-132 are upregulated by NMDA but not by bicuculline. Conversely, miR-132 is upregulated by bicuculline but not by NMDA. Mean values (relative to untreated control) + SEM from five independent experiments are shown. b QRT-PCR analysis of miRNA expression 4 h after stimulation with NMDA (30 μM) or L-glutamate (Glu, 30 μM) in the presence or absence of MK-801 (10 μM). Mean values + SEM from three independent experiments are shown. c QRT-PCR analysis of miRNA expression 16 h after stimulation with bicuculline (Bic, 50 μM). None of the tested miRNAs, except miR-132, are upregulated by over-night treatment with bicuculline. Mean values + SEM from three independent experiments are shown. d QRT-PCR analysis of miRNA expression 4 h after stimulation with bicuculline (Bic, 50 μM) plus 4-aminopyridine (4-AP, 2 mM). Mean values + SEM from three independent experiments are shown. P-values were determined with two-tailed t test. P-values in B are NMDA vs NMDA + MK801: a = 0.002, c = 0.012, e < 0.0001, g = 0.055; Glu vs Glu + MK801: b = 0.004, d = 0.017, f = 0.018, h = 0.024