Extended Data Fig. 4. Rare apo CTPS2 filaments have S-state filament architecture.
(a) Negative stain EM images of apo CTPS2. Occasional filaments are observed. (b) Helical rise (red) and rotation (black) values plotted over multiple rounds of iterative helical real space reconstruction of apo CTPS2 filaments in stain. Starting helical symmetry values and models from cryoEM structures of S-state (closed circles) or P-state (open circles) CTPS2 filaments were used. Both reconstructions converge on the S-state filament helical symmetry values. (c) The apo CTPS2 filament structures from the reconstructions described in (b) are the same and have the S-state helical rotation, regardless of which starting symmetries and models are used. Scale bars are 50 nm.