Genotype and colony determinations. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) was used to identify mice carrying the mutant human SOD1-G93A gene, as well as to distinguish HCN-versus LCN-expressing mice from controls. In this qPCR amplification plot, each line represents the transgene concentration for individual mice from our HCN and LCN colonies. Fluorescent signal detection at lower PCR cycle numbers signifies higher transgene copy numbers in the sample. As expected, the threshold cycle (Ct) was lower for HCN-SOD1 (red) compared to LCN-SOD1 (blue) mice. Control (green) mice do not carry the SOD1-G93A transgene; however, a late amplification signal was detected because the fluorescent reporter (SYBR green) binds to any double-stranded DNA, including the primer dimers formed during qPCR. LCN low copy number, HCN high copy number, SOD1 SOD1-G93A transgene