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. 2019 Dec;31(6):945–954. doi: 10.21147/j.issn.1000-9604.2019.06.10


Comparison of clinicopathological features among both of IFCC groups

Clinicopathological features Positive Negative P
IFCC, intraperitoneal free cancer cell; BMI, body mass index; HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor; PDL, programmed cell death ligand; MMR, mismatch repair.
Age ( Inline graphic) (year) 58±12 57±11 0.664
BMI ( Inline graphic) (kg/m2) 22.49±3.53 22.41±3.56 0.954
Gender 0.770
 Male 49/71 23/32
 Female 22/71 9/32
Differentiation 0.606
 High 2/70 0/30
 Middle 15/70 5/30
 Low 43/70 20/30
 Undifferentiation 10/70 5/30
Lauren type 0.004
 Intestinal 31/66 6/30
 Diffused 24/66 10/30
 Mixed 11/66 14/30
Vascular invasion 0.179
 Positive 35/60 13/30
 Negative 25/60 17/30
Perineural invasion 0.648
 Positive 37/60 17/30
 Negative 23/60 13/30
Tumor stage 0.454
 T1a 4/60 2/0
 T1b 7/60 5/30
 T2 10/60 2/30
 T3 21/60 8/30
 T4a 16/60 12/30
 T4b 2/60 1/30
Node lymph metastasis 0.728
 N0 22/60 13/31
 N1 10/60 6/31
 N2 14/60 4/31
 N3a 10/60 5/31
 N3b 4/60 3/31
Conventional cytology 0.415
 Positive 10/71 2/32
 Negative 61/71 30/32
Pathology 0.063
 Positive 18/71 3/32
 Negative 53/71 29/32
Neoadjuvant group 0.562
 Positive 14/68 8/31
 Negative 54/68 23/31
HER2 expression 0.295
 0 33/58 12/29
 1+ 10/58 10/29
 2+ 9/58 2/29
 3+ 6/58 5/29
Ki67 index (%) 0.502
 0−25 4/58 1/29
 26−50 7/58 4/29
 51−75 26/58 17/29
 76−100 21/58 7/29
PDL1 expression 0.543
 Positive 8/50 6/24
 Negative 42/50 18/24
MMR 1.000
 Positive 57/58 29/29
 Negative 1/58 0/29