Fig. 2.
Loss of p107 accelerates tumor progression in SCLC. (A) Representative images from in vivo bioluminescence imaging of Trp53/Rb1/Cas9 animals infected with Ad5-USEC harboring the indicated sgRNAs. Animals were imaged ∼5.5 mo posttumor initiation. (B) Quantification of tumor burden in Trp53/Rb1/Cas9 animals infected with Ad5-USEC harboring control sgRNA (n = 13), sgp130 (n = 15), or sgp107 (n = 13) by in vivo bioluminescence imaging. Data are presented as means with error bars denoting 95% CI **P < 0.005, ns: not significant, 2-tailed Student’s t test. (C) Survival analysis for Trp53/Rb1/Cas9 animals infected with control sgRNA (n = 17), sgp130 (n = 15), or sgp107 (n = 17). **P < 0.005, ****P < 0.0001, log-rank (Mantel–Cox) test. (D and E) Deep sequencing of p107 or p130 genomic loci from tumors isolated from Trp53/Rb1/Cas9 animals infected with the respective sgRNAs, showing the proportion of mutant and wild-type sequencing reads (D), as well as the proportion of each indicated type of mutation for each tumor (E). FS: frameshift, NFS: nonframeshift.