Viral gene expression controls Tim-3 expression in the latently infected TG. TGs from mice latently infected with wild-type KOS or viruses containing mutations (S1L, gC, or ICP0) were removed; processed into single-cell suspensions; stained for viability, CD45, CD8, gB or RR1 tetramer, Tim-3, and GzmB; and assessed by flow cytometry. Bars represent the mean total numbers or frequencies of cells ± SEM. Differences were assessed by unpaired t tests (A to D) or one-way ANOVAs with Tukey’s posttests (E to H) (**, P ≤ 0.01; ***, P ≤ 0.001; ****, P ≤ 0.0001) (for panels A to D, n = 16 [KOS] and n = 17 [S1L] [data were pooled from two independent experiments]; for panels E to H, n = 18 [KOS], n = 20 [ICP0], and n = 20 [gC] [data were pooled from two independent experiments]). (A) Total numbers of cells that are positive for RR1 tetramers in KOS- and S1L-infected TGs. (B) Percentages of RR1-CD8+ T cells that are positive for Tim-3 in KOS- and S1L-infected TGs. (C) Percentages of RR1-CD8+ T cells that are positive for GzmB in KOS- and S1L-infected TGs. (D) Percentages of Tim-3+ RR1-CD8+ T cells that are positive for GzmB in KOS- and S1L-infected TGs. (E) Percentages of CD8+ T cells that are positive for gB tetramer in KOS-, gC-, and ICP0-infected TGs. (F) Percentages of gB-CD8+ T cells that are positive for Tim-3 in KOS-, gC-, and ICP0-infected TGs. (G) Percentages of gB-CD8+ T cells that are positive for GzmB in KOS-, gC-, and ICP0-infected TGs. (H) Percentages of Tim-3+ gB-CD8+ T cells that are positive for GzmB in KOS-, gC-, and ICP0-infected TGs.