Fig. 3.
Significant improvement in localization precision occurs with MLE fitting when BG correction with BGnet is used. (A) Schematic of data visualization approach and representative x/y scatter plots for a given parameter combination for the OA PSF. The spreads of the position estimates are 105, 27, 7, and 3 nm for scenarios i to iv, respectively, leading to the points placed on the plot in the center. (B–E) The spread of the position estimates for scenarios i, ii, and iii is plotted against the spread of the position estimates for scenario iv, that is, the constant BG estimate is used as a reference. Insets show magnifications. The gray line has a slope of unity and thus indicates equal performance. Points below that line perform better than the reference case (constant BG estimate). Results from simulated data for the OA PSF (B), DH PSF (C), arbitrary PSF (D), and Tetra6 PSF (E). For the OA PSF, only the x/y position estimates are considered; the other cases use 3D spreads. const., constant; pred., predicted.