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. 2019 Dec 1;38(4):215–232.

Table 1.

A representation of exercise interventions done in LGMD 2A, LGMD 2L, and LGMD 2I. Number in parenthesis represents the article reference.

Exercise mode/N Duration Frequency Intensity Improved outcome
N = 6

10 weeks 3 days/week
30 min/session
70% of VO2max VO2max, lower limb strength, 6MWT, 5 x STS, 6SST.
N = 9

12 weeks 50 sessions in total
30 min/session
65% of VO2max VO2max, workload, self-reported physical endurance, lower limb muscle strength, and walking distance.
N = 6

N = 3

Control group
N = 6


6 months

3 months

3 days/week
Twice at home and once at lab

3 days/week at lab
Low intensity
Knee extension, Elbow flexion
40% of 1RM, increase with 5% every other week
3 sets x 12-15 reps

High intensity:
Knee extension, Elbow flexion
Wrist flexion & extension
Ankle plantar flexion
70-85% of 1RM 3 x 8-12 reps for 1 month
80-90% of 1RM 3 x 6-10 reps for 2 months
85-92% 3 x 8-4 reps for 3 months
Bicep strength and endurance, wrist flexion, extension, and endurance
Treadmill training using HAL®
N = 3

8 weeks

F/U at 6 weeks post intervention
3 days/week
Maximum of 30 minutes/session
Velocity of treadmill was set individually

Up to 50% body weight support
10MWT, 6MWT, and TUG

N = 3

10 weeks of control period

10 weeks of training
3 days/week
40 min/session
70-80% of maximum heart rate (HRmax)
Run/walk, jogging, and high knee lift

12 reps of squats and lunges
15-20 reps of calf raise
6MWT and dynamic balance
Bodyweight supported:

N = 3

10-week control period

10 weeks of training
3 days/week
40 min/session
70-80% of HRmax

Closed-kinetic-chain strength exercises: squats, calf raises, and lunges

Walk/run, jogging
in place, or high knee-lift
Closed kinetic chain leg strength and training distance
N = 11

N = 13

8 weeks 3 days/week Shoulder abduction
Knee extension

25% 1RM, 2 sets x10 reps
30% 1RM, 3 sets x 10 reps
35% 1RM, 3 sets x 10 reps
50% 1RM, 3 sets x 10 reps

Monophasic wave type. Surface electrodes. Pulse frequency 50Hz, voltage output 0-500 V, pulse duration 200μσ, duty cycle 5:10, 10 minutes of stimulation
Strength, VAS, climb 8 steps, 10MWT, dressing with t-shirt, endurance (number of reps per minute), and modified Lawton ADL.