Interaction of Wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV)NIb with and TaLIP in a yeast two-hybrid analysis. (a) NIb was fused to the DNA-binding domain and TaLIP was fused to the activation domain (AD-TaLIP), co-transformed into yeast cells, and then coated uniformly on selection plates of SD/-Trp, -Leu, -Ade, -His solid medium. Positive and negative controls were co-transformed with AD-T/BK-53 and AD-T/BK-Lam, respectively. (b) NIb was divided into two parts and fused to the DNA-binding domain, co-transformed with AD-TaLIP into yeast cells, and then coated uniformly on selection plates of SD/-Trp, -Leu, -Ade, and -His solid medium. AD-T/BK-53 and AD-T/BK-lam were used as the positive control and negative control, respectively. (c) Illustration of the WYMV NIb sequence, which divided into two segments and summary of TaLIP interactions with WYMV NIb. The red region represents the conserved domains of NIb.