FOXA2 and ARX expression in the developing and adult mouse spinal cord. (A–G) Immunofluorescence for FOXA2 (green) at the indicated stages (E13.5: 33 sections, n = 3 embryos; E14.5: 8 sections, n = 2 embryos; E15.5: 18 sections, n = 5 embryos; E16.5: 22 sections, n = 5 embryos; E17.5: 16 sections, n = 4 embryos; E18.5: 26 sections, n = 4 embryos; adult (10‐ to 11‐week‐old mice): 18 sections, n = 5 mice). (H–M) Immunofluorescence for ARX expression (green) at the indicated stages (E13.5: 12 sections, n = 1 embryo; E15.5: 10 sections, n = 2 embryos; E16.5: 10 sections, n = 1 embryo; E17.5: 11 sections, n = 1 embryo; E18.5: 12 sections, n = 2 embryos; adult (10‐ and 24‐week‐old mice): 5 sections in each of n = 1 at each age. Dorsal is top, ventral is bottom. Nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bars: 20 μm.