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. 2017 Oct 4;77(10):663. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5199-5

Table 9.

The values of χ2/Ndat for all the jet datasets obtained using either of the two PDF sets compared in Fig. 32, and in each case the theory used in the corresponding PDF determination. For the datasets in the top part of the table the exact NNLO computations are not yet available and NLO theory with scale uncertainty is used throughout, while for those in the bottom part of the table NNLO theory is used for the right column

NNPDF3.1 exact NNLO
CDF Run II kt jets 0.84 0.85
ATLAS jets 2.76 TeV 1.05 1.03
CMS jets 2.76 TeV 1.04 1.02
ATLAS jets 2010 7 TeV 0.96 0.95
ATLAS jets 2011 7 TeV 1.06 0.91
CMS jets 7 TeV 2011 7 TeV 0.84 0.79