pSrc, pERK, pAkt, pS6K, and caspase 3 expression in HK-2 cells after ouabain treatment with PP2 or rapamycin. Src kinase inhibitor (PP2) and mTOR inhibitor (Rapamycin) were used to treat HK-2 cells with or without ouabain, and then pSrc, pERK, pAkt, pS6K, and caspase 3 expressions at 24 h were detected by western blot (A). We observed that PP2 decreased pSrc (B), pERK (C), pAkt (D), pS6K (E) and caspase 3 (F) expression in ouabain-treated HK-2 cells (p+o group vs oua group). Rapamycin only decreased pS6K (E) and caspase 3 (F) expression in ouabain-treated HK-2 cells (r+o group vs oua group). Comparisons were determined by t test. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.