Fig. 3.
Scatter plots displaying the correlations between (A) the proportion of total SFA (mol %) and PTGS2 gene expression (rpkm) in EAT. (B) the proportion of palmitic acid (mol %) and PTGS2 gene expression (rpkm) in EAT. (C) the proportion of stearic acid (mol %) and PTGS2 gene expression (rpkm) in EAT. (D) the proportion of total SFA (mol %) and TLR2 gene expression (rpkm) in EAT. (E) the proportion of palmitic acid (mol %) and TLR2 gene expression (rpkm) in EAT. (F) the proportion of stearic acid (mol %) and TLR2 gene expression (rpkm) in EAT. HHD: Heart Healthy diet, WD: Western diet, WD+S: Western diet+atorvastatin, HHD+S: heart healthy diet+atorvastatin, PTGS2: prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2, SFA: saturated fatty acids, TLR2: toll like receptor 2, EAT: epicardial adipose tissue. All correlations were statistically significant (P≤.0003).