Table 1.
Non-traumatic mortality characteristics
Characteristic | N (%) | N (%) with exposure variationa |
Total | 170,985 (100) | 31,719 |
Age group (years) | ||
0–4 | 2279 (1.3) | 422 (1.3) |
5–14 | 661 (0.4) | 139 (0.4) |
15–44 | 4912 (2.9) | 934 (3.0) |
45–64 | 31,956 (18.7) | 6062 (19.2) |
65–84 | 74,200 (43.3) | 13,678 (43.2) |
85+ | 56,977 (33.3) | 10,391 (32.9) |
Death day of week | ||
Monday | 24,165 (14.1) | 4623 (14.6) |
Tuesday | 24,202 (14.2) | 5035 (15.9) |
Wednesday | 24,292 (14.2) | 4914 (15.5) |
Thursday | 24,507 (14.3) | 4675 (14.8) |
Friday | 24,902 (14.6) | 3858 (12.2) |
Saturday | 24,800 (14.5) | 4378 (13.8) |
Sunday | 24,117 (14.1) | 4143 (13.1) |
Location | ||
Non-urban | 86,359 (50.5) | 13,856 (43.8) |
Urban | 84,626 (49.5) | 17,770 (56.2) |
Median household incomeb | ||
< $35,000 | 16,039 (9.4) | 3663 (11.6) |
$35,000 - $50,000 | 41,693 (24.4) | 7901 (25.0) |
$50,000 - $75,000 | 62,703 (36.7) | 10,990 (34.7) |
$75,000 - $100,000 | 24,549 (14.4) | 4572 (14.5) |
≥ $100,000 | 8156 (4.8) | 1442 (4.6) |
Not reported | 17,845 (10.4) | 3058 (9.7) |
Race | ||
White | 154,311 (90.2) | 28,309 (89.5) |
Black | 4665 (2.7) | 883 (2.8) |
Native American | 2429 (1.4) | 471 (1.5) |
Hispanic | 2219 (1.3) | 579 (1.8) |
Native Hawaiian/ Other Pacific Islander | 1620 (0.9) | 329 (1.0) |
Asian | 5193 (3.0) | 941 (3.0) |
Not reported | 548 (0.3) | 114 (0.4) |
Sex | ||
Female | 86,479 (50.6) | 15,893 (50.3) |
Male | 84,513 (49.4) | 15,732 (49.7) |
Not reported | 2 (0) | 1 (0) |
Underlying cause of death | ||
Cardiovascular | 44,372 (26.0) | 8120 (25.7) |
Ischemic heart disease | 7912 (4.6) | 1477 (4.7) |
Respiratory | 13,355 (7.8) | 2933 (9.3) |
Asthma | 253 (0.1) | 46 (0.1) |
COPD | 9528 (5.6) | 1726 (5.5) |
Pneumonia | 2166 (1.3) | 377 (1.2) |
Cerebrovascular | 3732 (2.2) | 708 (2.2) |
aPercent of cases, out of all individuals with an event in a referent window with exposure variation
bAnnual median household income estimates at the census tract level