Fig. 4.
Negative frequency-dependent selection and arms race dynamics. Revival of genotypes and evolution of host (top) and parasite (middle) populations with five possible genotypes each. With the rate μH=0.005 and μP=0.01 genotypes convert to neighbouring genotypes through mutation or recombination. Stacked plots – evolutionary dynamics: the area covered by one colour is proportional to the relative abundance of that genotype of host or parasite at that time. Lower panel – ecological dynamics: total abundance of hosts and parasites. Method: the example is a stochastic simulation (Gillespie algorithm) of an EcoEvo + process. The simulations start with equal abundance of all five genotypes Hi(0)=NH/5 and Pi(0)=NP/5 for i=1,2,3,4,5. Parameters: NH=300,NP=900 (both initially), bH=6,dP=1,K=600,λ0=10