Fig. 2. Propagation character of spin excitations on skyrmion strings.
a–c The spectra of mutual inductance ΔL21 and ΔL12, which represent the propagation character of spin excitation with the wave vector +kSW and −kSW, respectively. The data were measured in the SkX state under the configuration shown in d at 25 K with μ0H = +25 mT. a, b, and c represent the CCW, B, and CW modes, respectively. e–h The corresponding data measured with μ0H = −25 mT. i–k Dispersion relation for various spin excitations on skyrmion strings, theoretically calculated for the kSW∥H configuration with H = 0.4Hc. Here, h, g, μ0, μB, Hc, and q0 are Planck constant, g-factor, vacuum magnetic permeability, Bohr magneton, critical field value to induce FM state, and magnetic modulation pitch, respectively. In j and k, the solid and dashed lines represent the dispersion relation for a finite sample in the magnetostatic limit and an infinitely extended sample in the bulk limit, respectively.