Fig. 6. Temperature dependence of damping during the phase transition.
a, b f-dependence of μ0ΔH at four typical temperatures for FeRh (10)/Pt. The values of μ0ΔH are extracted from a in-plane spin pumping measurements at φH = 45°, θH = 90°; b out-of-plane FMR measurements at φH = 45°, θH = 0°. The error bars are standard deviations obtained from the fit of the d.c. voltages and FMR spectra. c Effective damping at different T during heating and cooling. The solid spheres and squares are the data acquired from the spin pumping voltage measurements at φH = 45°, θH = 0°. The open rhombus represents the data acquired from out-of-plane (φH = 45°, θH = 90°) film-FMR measurements. d Four contributions to the total effective damping as a function of T: αeff(T) = αGilbert(T) + αVertical SP (T) + αLateral SP(T) + α2M(T). The blue shadow in d indicates the temperature region during the phase transition. The error bars of damping in c and d are obtained from the linear fitting of linewidth.