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. 2020 Jan 10;16:131–152. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S171461

Table 1.

Prism Adaptation Studies

Study Patients Control Protocol Number of Sessions Test Assessment Results Design Classification
Frassinetti et al,63 7 RH 6 RHI 10° RPA 20 BIT; Bell cancellation;
Reading; Fluff test;
Room description;
Object reaching
Pre, Post, Follow-up (2 days, 1 week and 5 weeks later) Improvement after RPA, at least for 5 weeks NRCT Class II
Priftis et al,67 31 RH None 10° RPA, or VST (visual scanning training), or LAT (limb activation treatment) 20 Comb and razor test; Fluff test; Picture scanning; Reading; Coin sorting; Ecological scale; Room description; CBS Pre, Post, Follow-up (2 weeks later) Improvement after each treatment, at least for 2 weeks later Quasi-RCT Class Ia
Spaccavento et al,69 20 RH None 10° RPA or VST 20 Fluff test; Personal neglect scale; BIT; Extrapersonal neglect scale; CBS; FIM Pre, Post (4 weeks later) Improvement after both treatments in each test, except in the extrapersonal neglect scale Pilot Class III
Fortis et al,84 5 RH None 12,4° RPA 1 LBT;
Pre, Post Improvement on “aiming”, but not on “where” spatial bias Pilot Class III
Pisella et al,85 2 RH None 10° RPA 1 Straight-ahead; LBT Pre, Post, Follow-up (72 hrs later) Improvement at least for 4 days Pilot Class III
Rossetti et al,87 Exp1: 8 RH
Exp2: 6 RH
5 Healthy subjects
10° RPA and LPA 1 LBT; Cancellation test; Copying; Drawing from memory; Reading Pre, Post, Follow-up (2 hrs later) Improvement after RPA, at least for 2h RCT Class I
Farné et al,88 6 RH None 10° RPA 1
2 (for 4 patients)
Line, bell and letter cancellation; LBT; Visual scanning; Object-naming; Reading Pre, Post, Follow-up (1 day and 1 week later) Improvement after RPA, at least for 1 day Pilot Class III
Serino et al,89 21 RH None 10° RPA 10 BIT; Bell cancellation;
Reading; Fluff test; Room description; Object reaching; Tactile extinction test; Proprioceptive sensibility and standardized mobility scale
Pre, Post (1 week later); Follow-up (1, 3 and 6 months later) Improvement in visuospatial abilities, tactile modality, but not for proprioception and motor functions.
Persisted for 6 months
Pilot Class III
Serino et al,90 10 RH 10 RH 10° RPA and NP (neutral pointing) 10 BIT;
Bell cancellation;
Pre, Post, Follow-up (1 month later) Improvement after RPA and NP, but stronger after RPA.
Persisted for 1 month after RPA
Quasi-RCT Class Ia
Vaes et al,91 21 RH 22 RH 10° RPA or Placebo 7 Digital visuospatial neglect test battery Pre, Post, Follow-up (3 months later) Improvement after RPA in drawing and bisection, navigation, visual
extinction and non-motor memory
Improvement in navigation, drawing and memory persisted 3 months later
RCT Class I
Mizuno et al,92 20 RH 18 RH 12° RPA or Neutral glasses 20 BIT; CBS;
Pre, Post, Follow-up (discharge) Improvement in FIM and CBS in mild USN-patients after RPA.
Improvement in FIM in prism group at the discharge
RCT Class I
Nys et al,93 1 RH None 10° RPA 4 Star cancellation; Figure copying Pre, Post
(after each session)
Improvement of neglect severity, but worsening of perseveration behaviour Pilot Class III
Turton et al,94 16 RH 10 RH 6° RPA or neutral glasses 10 CBS; BIT Pre, Post, Follow-up (8 weeks later) Improvement of pointing bias, but not in CBS and BIT RCT Class I
Mancuso et al,95 13 RH 9 RH 5° RPA or Neutral glasses 5 Line and bells cancellation;
Line orientation; LBT; Copying drawings; Finding objects; Dealing playing cards
Pre, Post No statistical difference between the two groups RCT Class I
Rode et al,96 10 RH 10 RH 10° RPA or Neutral glasses 4 Straight ahead; Open Loop Pointing; FIM; BIT Pre, Post, Follow-up (1, 3 and 6 months later) Improvement in the straight-ahead test, but no difference between the two groups 6 months later RCT Class I
Ten Brink et al,97 34 RH 35 RH 10° RPA or neutral glasses 10 CBS; Mobility Assessment Course; Shape cancellation Pre, Post (1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12 weeks later) No difference between the two groups RCT Class I

Abbreviations: RH, Right Hemisphere; RPA, Rightward Prism Adaptation; LPA, Leftward Prism Adaptation; LBT, Line Bisection Task; BIT, Behavioural Inattention Test; FIM, Functional Independence Measure; CBS, Catherine Bergego Scale; ADL, Activites of Daily Living; RCT, Randomized Control Trial; NRCT, Non-Randomized Control Trials.