CAP, compound action potential |
CH, C-MIA that responds to noxious heat |
C-HTMR, C-fiber high threshold mechanoreceptor |
CLTM: C low threshold mechanoreceptors |
CPMN, C-fiber polymodal nociceptor |
CMC, C-fiber nociceptor responding to noxious mechanical and noxious cold |
CMH, C-fiber nociceptors that respond to noxious mechanical and noxious heat stimuli |
CM or CHTM, C mechanonociceptor |
C-MIA, C mechano-insensitive neuron that normally does not respond to noxious mechanical stimuli |
CMiHi, C-fiber mechano-insensitive, heat-insensitive neuron |
C-neuron, C-fiber neuron |
Cunr, C-fiber unresponsive unit |
CV, conduction velocity |
DRG, dorsal root ganglion |
Em, resting membrane potential |
GCaMP, Genetically-encoded Calcium Indicator |
GDNF, glial cell derived neurotrophic factor |
HTMR, high threshold mechanoreceptor |
LL, large light neuron |
LTMR, low threshold mechanoreceptor |
MC, nociceptor responding to noxious mechanical and noxious cold stimuli |
MH, nociceptor responding to noxious mechanical and noxious heat stimuli, MHC, nociceptor responding to noxious mechanical, noxious heat and noxious cold stimuli |
MPR, moderate pressure receptor |
Mrgprd, Mas-related G protein-coupled receptor D, a subclass of Mrgprs that co-localises with IB4-binding in DRG neurons |
Nav, voltage-gated sodium channel |
NF, neurofilament |
NF200, the large (200kD) NF-subunit |
NGF, nerve growth factor |
SD, small dark neurons |
PMN, polymodal nociceptor |
RF, receptive field |
trkA, high infinity rceptor for NGF |
TF, trophic factor |
unr or unresp, unresponsive |