(A) Schematic of mk overexpression experiment. (B–E) Representative brightfield images of tdTomato (tdT)- (B–C) or mk-overexpressing (D–E) regenerating limbs at 7 and 16 dpa. White dotted line denotes amputation planes and white arrowhead in D denotes small aberrant skin growth. (F) Representative picro-mallory stained sections of tdT- or mk-overexpressing regenerating limbs. Asterisk marks protruding bone. (G) Quantification of wound epidermis thickness in tdTomato- or mk-overexpressing limbs at 8 dpa (N = 5 each) and 16 dpa (N = 5 tdT, N = 4 MK). (H) Quantification of the percentage of EdU+ nuclei in the wound epidermis of tdTomato- or mk-overexpressing limbs at 8 dpa (N = 5 each). (I) Representative images of EdU-stained sections of tdTomato- or mk-overexpressing limbs. Wound epidermis/AEC are outlined with yellow dotted lines. (J) Quantification of the percentage of EdU+ nuclei in regenerating stump tissues of tdT- or mk-overexpressing limbs. (K) Quantification of the density of NSE+ monocytes in tdT- or mk-overexpressing limbs. (L–M) Representative images of NSE-stained sections in tdT- or mk-overexpressing limbs. Black dotted line denotes wound epidermis boundary. Asterisk denotes protruding bone. Quantification of EdU+ cells in the wound epidermis and blastemal cells of DMSO/iMDK-treated and WT/mknull regenerating limbs is shown in Figure 7—figure supplement 1. Electroporation efficiency data can be found in Figure 7—figure supplement 2. Data showing that mk-overexpressing regenerating limbs display delayed regeneration is shown in Figure 7—figure supplement 3. Data demonstrating that overexpression of mk in non-regenerating intact limbs does not affect cellular proliferation or monocyte density can be found in Figure 7—figure supplement 4. Graphs are mean ± SD. Two-tailed unpaired student’s t-tests were used for statistical analysis. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.005. Scale bars, B-E: 500 µm, F, I, L-M: 200 µm. bl, blastema, dpa, days post-amputation.