Plants grown with 0.05 MS and GMVs (G 0.05) showed hyper‐induction of IPS1 and PS2 gene expression in both shoots and roots, compared to plants grown with 0.05 MS alone (C 0.05). Values are means ± SE of three biological replicates.
Root acid phosphatase activity as detected by the blue color from the 5‐bromo‐4‐chloro‐3‐indolyl phosphate p‐toluidine salt (BCIP) treatment. Image contrast enhanced for improved visualization of the blue color in roots.
C, D
Supplementation of Pi to the nutrient‐deficient plants (0.05 + Pi) significantly reduced hyper‐accumulation of anthocyanin (C) and hyper‐induction of IPS1 gene expression (D) triggered by GMVs.
Pi supplementation to the 0.05 MS medium partially restored GMV‐induced plant vigor, as indicated by increases in total leaf area per plant.
A low Pi level (LP), which was equal to 1/20 of that in the 0.5 MS medium, in plant growth medium blocked GMV‐induced plant vigor.
The Arabidopsis phr1phl1 mutant showed substantially decreased growth promotion, compared with the wild‐type plants.
Data information: The boxplots show representative data from three independent experiments (
n = 12). Whiskers represent the min to max data range, and the median is represented by the central horizontal line. The upper and lower limits of the box outline represent the first and third quartiles. Different letters denote significantly different means at
P < 0.05, Tukey's multiple comparison test within each group of the same DAT.