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. 2020 Jan 9;25(1):1900721. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.1.1900721

Table 2. Clinical and diagnostic characteristics of confirmed and probable chikungunya cases among returning travellers from Myanmar, 2019 (n = 18).

Case Clinical acute symptoms Outcome Need of hospitalisation (country) Clinical status as at 20 Oct 2019 Chikungunya diagnostic method Day of diagnosis in 2019
(time from onset of illness)
Other arboviral diagnostic test results
1 Fever, rash, arthralgias (fingers, wrists, ankles, knees) Persistent arthralgias needing NSAIDs No Unknown IgM+ (N Health Myanmar Co., Ltd, Yangon, Myanmar) 08 Jul
(6 days)
Dengue: IgM−/IgG−; NS1−
Zika: NS1−
2 Fever, rash, arthralgia (wrists, ankles), retro-orbital pain, conjunctival hyperaemia Persistent arthralgias needing NSAIDs No Improvement of arthralgias IgM+; PCR+ (NovaLisa, NovaTec,  Dietzenbach, Germany) 13 Aug
(6 days)
Dengue: PCR−; IgM−
Zika: PCR−; IgM−
3 Fever, rash, arthralgia, myalgia, conjunctivitis Persistent incapacitating arthralgias needing NSAIDs No Mild and improving arthralgia, no more NSAIDs needed RT-PCR+ (RealStar chikungunya RT-PCR, Altona diagnostics, Hamburg, Germany) 14 Aug
(1 day)
Dengue: PCR−
Zika: PCR−
4 Fever, arthralgia, deep asthenia, profuse sweating Persistent arthralgias needing NSAIDs and CT (prednisone) Yes (Italy) Unknown IgM+/IgG+ (Euroimmun, Luebeck, Germany) 14 Aug
(9 days)
5 Fever, rash, arthralgia (fingers, wrists, knees), ankle swelling, conjunctival hyperaemia Persistent arthralgias needing NSAIDs Yes (United States) Improving existing arthritis and arthralgia IgM+/IgG+ (NovaLisa, NovaTec ) 21 Aug
(20 days)
Dengue: IgM−/IgG−
Zika: IgM−
6 Fever, ankles oedema Persistent and recurrent arthralgias needing NSAIDs; fatigue, headache No Persisting moderate arthralgia, still needing NSAIDs IgM+/IgG+ (Euroimmun) 03 Sep
(12 days)
Dengue: IgM−
Zika: IgM−
7 Fever, rash, chills, myalgias, symmetric arthralgias (knees, ankles, wrists, hands) Improving with NSAIDs No Improving IgM+/IgG+ (Arup Laboratories, Utah, United States) 04 Sep
(41 days)
Not tested
8 Fever, rash, arthralgias (ankles, wrists, feet, interphalangeal joints in hands, bilateral) Persistent arthralgias needing NSAIDs and CT No Improved IgM+ (Euroimmun) 09 Sep
(10 days)
Dengue: IgM−/IgG−
Zika: IgM ambiguous/IgG−
9 Fever, rash, arthralgia Persistent arthralgias needing NSAIDs and CT No Improved IgM+ (Chemiluminescence Virclia  UNILABS, Madrid, Spain) 13 Sep
(21 days)
Dengue: IgM−/ IgG−
Zika: IgM−/ IgG−
10 Fever, rash, arthralgia, diarrhoea, paraesthesia lower limbs, swelling upper and lower limbs, lymphadenopathy Persistent arthralgias needing NSAIDs No Persistent arthralgia IgM+/IgG−; PCR+ (ChLIA Alifax, Polverada, Italy) 13 Sep
(7 days)
Dengue: RDT−
Zika: PCR−; IgM−/ IgG−
11 Fever, rash, arthralgia, diarrhoea Persistent arthralgias needing NSAID No Persistent arthralgia IgM+/IgG-; PCR+ (ChLIA Alifax) 13 Sep
(6 days)
Dengue: RDT−
Zika: PCR−; IgM−/IgG−
12 Fever, pruritus, rash, head and limbs felt swollen Persistent arthralgias needing paracetamol No Little light headed when exercise RT-PCR+ (in house RT-PCR: [24]) 23 Sep
(4 days)
Dengue NS1−; RT−PCR−
Zika: not tested
13 Fever, nausea, arthralgias, ankle oedema Persistent incapacitating arthralgias and ankle oedema needing NSAIDs and CT No Persistent incapacitating arthralgias and ankle oedema needing NSAIDs and corticosteroids IgG+ (Euroimmun) 07 Oct
(8 months)
Dengue: NS1−; IgM−, IgG+ (multiple exposures before, IIFT+ with low titre)
Zika: not tested
14 Fever, rash, arthralgia Not needing any treatment No Mild ankles arthralgias IgG+ (Euroimmun) 07 Oct
(8 months)
Dengue: NS1−; IgM−/IgG–
Zika: not tested
15 Fever, rash, arthralgias (wrists, right elbow, metacarpophalangeal joints), general malaise and nausea Persistent arthralgias needing NSAIDs Yes (Myanmar) Improve IgM+/IgG+ (NovaLisa, NovaTec) 14 Oct
(74 days)
Dengue: NS1−
Zika: not tested
16 Fever, rash, arthralgia Persistent arthralgias needing NSAIDs No Persistent arthralgias IgM+/IgG+ (Euroimmun) 16 Oct
(60 days)
Not tested
17 Fever, rash, arthralgias (hands, ankles) No drugs needed No but presented to local outpatient clinic where no testing for CHIK was done. Mild arthralgias in fingers and ankles RT-PCR+; IgM+/IgG– (Fast Track Diagnostics. Ltd, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg) 21 Oct
(7 days)
Zika: PCR–; IgM–/IgG–
Dengue: PCR−; NS1–
18 Fever, arthralgia Improving arthralgia, NSAIDs no more needed Yes (France) Moderate persisting arthralgias RT-PCR+ (RealStar chikungunya RT-PCR, Altona diagnostics); IgM+/IgG– (Euroimmun) 02 Nov
(4 days)
Dengue: PCR–; IgM–
Zika: PCR–; IgM–

CT: corticosteroids; IIFT: indirect immunofluorescence test; Ig: immunoglobulin; NSAID: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; NS1: nonstructural 1 protein antigen; RDT: rapid diagnostic test; RT-PCR: real time PCR.