Figure 6.
Effect of enisamium (E) treatment compared to untreated control (UC) on HA protein expression in dNHBE cells (MOI: 1.0; enisamium: 2000 µM; treatment: 4 to 24 h). Western blot analysis of HA protein expression. NHBE cells were infected with A/Brisbane/59/2007 (MOI 1.0) at T0, cells were treated from −1 to 4, −1 to 8, −1 to 12, −1 to 18, and −1 to 24 h. Samples were collected after each treatment period and subjected to Western blot analysis with A/Brisbane/59/2007 HA specific polyclonal antibody. Exposure time: 1 min; PC: positive control (HA protein control); HA: hemagglutinin.