Figure 3. LRx limited to deprived eye is sufficient to induce perisynaptic MMP2/9 activity at thalamo-cortical synapses in deprived V1b.
(A) Top: Experimental timeline. A light-occluding eye patch was attached to the non-deprived eye before DE. Bottom left: Representative images of MMP2/9 biomarker fluorescence in layer 4 of chronically deprived (dep, contralateral to cMD, ipsilateral to eye patch) and non-deprived (non, ipsilateral to cMD, contralateral to eye patch) V1b of LRx subject. Quantification of biomarker puncta reveals a significant increase in density and intensity in dep vs non V1b following LRx to amblyopic eye; n = 6, six subjects for LRx dep, LRx non, respectively; *p<0.05, Student’s T-test. (B) Representative images of MMP2/9 biomarker fluorescence (MMP, green) and VGluT2 immunoreactivity (VG2, magenta) in dep and non V1b of LRx subject. A significant increase in biomarker colocalization with VGluT2 in dep vs non V1b following LRx to amblyopic eye; n = 6, six subjects for LRx dep, LRx non, respectively; *p<0.05, Student’s T-test. Co-localization with VGluT2 is reduced following 2 μm shift of biomarker image (shift). (C) Representative images of MMP2/9 biomarker (green), VGluT2 (magenta) and parvalbumin fluorescence (PV, blue) in dep and non V1b following LRx. A significant increase in co-localization of MMP2/9 biomarker puncta with VGluT2 at PV+ and PV- immunoreactive locations of dep vs non V1b; n = 4; *p<0.05, Student’s T-test.