A) Western blot of A3B-3HA expression in NEIL2-stable-knockdown Hs578T cell lines shNEIL2#1 and shNEIL2#2. LaminB1 serves as a loading control. shSCR, scramble shRNA. EV, empty vector. (
B) qRT-PCR shows NEIL2 rescue efficiency in NEIL2-stable-knockdown Hs578T cell line shNEIL2#1 (targets NEIL2 3’UTR) with NEIL2-HA overexpression. Error bars represent s.d., n = 3.
***P < 0.001 by two-tailed unpaired Student’s
t test. (
C) Immunostaining of γH2AX foci in NEIL2-stable-knockdown Hs578T cell line shNEIL2#1 with rescue by exogenous expression of NEIL2-HA. shSCR, scramble shRNA; shNEL2#1 targets NEIL2 3’UTR; EV, empty vector. Scale bar, 50 μm. The quantification data is shown in
Figure 3C.