Fig. 3.
EIF3F reprograms the proteome of mice orthotopic human lung tumors and promotes cell migration. a Proteome analysis of EIF3F lung tumors compared to CTL lung tumors (N = 4). Ingenuity pathway core analysis (IPA; Qiagen). The bar graph of a was generated using Ingenuity Pathway analysis (IPA; Qiagen) software from the analysis of the raw data of the differential proteomics study, obtained between EIF3F-A549 and A549 orthtotopic lung tumors. The proteins with a different expression between the two types of tumors were organized based on pre-defined categories suggested by IPA (as for example ‘EIF2 signaling’). Then, proteins with different expression were assigned to these IPA-categories based on the IPA-experts curated database, and the categories were ranked according to their frequency of identification in the proteome (the –log(p value); top axis value). Then, the directionality of the change per category was given by a color code. Orange means that the pathway was increased, blue that it was inhibited, and gray that no directionality could be calculated (some proteins were increased but other were decreased). The ‘ratio’ given in the bottom axis indicates the % of proteins from the predetermined IPA-category that were identified in the differential proteome. For instance 62% of the proteins composing the ‘EIF2 signaling’ group were found to be differentially expressed between EIF3F-A549 and A549 cells. b KEGG pathways analysis of the differential proteome analysis data showing the changes in metabolic pathways induced by EIF3F overexpression in orthotopic mice tumors. These data were obtained using String ( The pie chart was obtained by plotting the number of genes in each category, expressed as percentage of the total. c Cellular functions impacted by EIF3F expression in the mice orthotopic human lung tumors. d Representative images and e quantification of transwell migration experiments performed in vitro on CTL-A549 cells, EIF3F-A549 cells and EIF3F-A549 cells treated with a EIF3F-siRNA (n = 3). f Representative images of CTL-A549 at t = 0 h plus CTL-A549 and EIF3F-A549 at t = 24 h. g Quantification of wound healing assay performed in vitro on CTL-A549 cells and EIF3F-A549 cells (N = 3). The area wound was measured after 24 h of proliferation in vitro. h and i Transwell migration experiments were performed in vitro on A549 cells and EIF3F-A549 cells (N = 6) in the presence or absence of treatment with the STAT3 inhibitor Nifuroxazide 10 µM and siRNA against STAT3. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001