Figure 2.
Assessment of Salmonella OmpC clade conservation. (A) Intra-clade conservation of OmpC porin within typhoidal and non-typhoidal Salmonella serovars. Conservation of each Salmonella clade of the OmpC protein identified using a 15 amino acid sliding window approach (in-house software; for a detailed description see methods). The measure of OmpC amino acid conservation within Salmonella clades is shown in Y-axis (0–1), while X-axis shows the position in the aligned amino acid consensus sequence. A conservation value below the first quartile was classed as conserved for each clade. (B) Inter-clade conservation patterns in the protein sequence of OmpC porin among typhoidal and non-typhoidal Salmonella serovars. Full-length OmpC protein sequences were retrieved from NCBI and aligned using Clustal Omega, and inter-serovar conservation was assessed using in-house developed software. The measure of OmpC amino acid conservation between Salmonella clades is shown in Y-axis, while X-axis shows the position in the aligned amino acid consensus sequence. Colors indicate the number of clades that share conservation between each other. Arrows indicate the regions conserved among all Salmonella clades and gray bars indicate regions of distinct cross-clade conservation (see Table 1).