Figure 1.
Overview of methodological setup. Ultrasound B-mode and SWE imaging is performed, providing both spatiotemporal group velocity (time-domain) and frequency-dependent phase velocity (after Fourier transform, ). Velocities are validated and correlated with MRI-derived plaque components, as well as AHA type classification. For the ultrasound and SWE panels, the plaque is delineated in blue. In the MR-vessel wall imaging (VWI) panel, one of the 2D black-blood VWI series is displayed with the analysis from MRI PlaqueView superimposed including the lipid-rich necrotic core (LRNC, yellow), intraplaque hemorrhage (IPH, red), calcifications (CA, white), loose matrix (purple), and vessel outline (blue). In the 3D volume rendering (VR) MR angiography (MRA) + VWI panel, the detected plaque components are superimposed on the MRA and displayed as a volume rendered image using the same color scheme.