Table 1.
Quantitative RT-PCR assay details
Gene | Description (Protein Abbreviation) | Forward Primer (5′ to 3′) | Reverse Primer (5′ to 3′) | Probe, bp |
Rn18s | 18S rRNA | ctcaacacgggaaacctcac | cgctccaccaactaagaacg | 77 |
Tbp | TATA box-binding protein (TBP) | gggagaatcatggaccagaa | gatgggaattccaggagtca | 97 |
Hprt1 | Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) | cctcctcagaccgcttttt | aacctggttcatcatcgctaa | 95 |
Per1 | Period circadian protein homolog 1 (PER1) | gcttcgtggacttgacacct | tgctttagatcggcagtggt | 71 |
Per2 | Period circadian protein homolog 2 (PER2) | gcttcgtggacttgacacct | tgctttagatcggcagtggt | 5 |
Clock-201 | Circadian locomotor output cycles protein kaput (CLOCK) | ccagtcagttggtccatcatt | tggctcctaactgagctgaaa | 76 |
Cry1 | Cryptochrome 1 (CRY1) | ggcagagcagtaactgatacga | tgactttcccaccaacttca | 52 |
Cry2 | Cryptochrome 2 (CRY2) | ggagcatcagcaacacagg | ccgcttggtcagttcttcac | 11 |
Arnt1 var1 | Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like protein 1 (BMAL1) | gaatacattgtctcaaccaacactg | ttagctgcgggaaggttg | 97 |
Nr1d1 | Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1 (Rev-erbα) | cgaccctggactccaataac | tgccattggagctgtcact | 52 |
Nr1d2 | Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2 (Rev-erbβ) | stggagctgaacgcagga | tcagaaccctcactgtgacaa | 16 |
Sgk1 | Serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (SGK1) | gattgccagcaacacctatg | ttgatttgttgagagggacttg | 91 |
Tsc22d3 v2 | Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper protein (GILZ) | tccgttaaactggataacagtgc | tggttcttcacgaggtccat | 49 |
Nr3c2 | Mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) | caaaagagccgtggaagg | tttctccgaatcttatcaataatgc | 11 |
Nr3c1 | Glucocorticoid receptor (GR) | tgacgtgtggaagctgtaaagt | catttcttccagcacaaaggt | 56 |
Hsd11b2 | 11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11βHSD2) | cactcgaggggacgtattgt | gcaggggtatggcatgtct | 26 |
Slc12a3 | Sodium-chloride cotransporter (NCC) | cctccatcaccaactcacct | ccgcccacttgctgtagta | 12 |
Wnk4 | With-no-lysine kinase 4 (WNK4) | tccgatttgatctggatgg | gggcaggatgaactcattgta | 26 |
Assays were designed using the Roche Universal Probe library, and assays were run using Roche Universal Probe library probes.