Physical fitness or physical capacity |
Set of attributes that people have or achieve. Can be either health‐ or skill‐related.5, 10, 24
Physically fit |
The ability to perform moderate‐to‐vigorous levels of PA without undue fatigue and the capability of maintaining this capacity throughout life.5, 25 It positively correlates with physical function.5, 10
Physical function |
The ability to carry out activities that involve bodily movement, ranging from basic self‐care tasks to social activities, that require a combination of skills.9 Can be approached as an individual's physical behavior in real life, “physical activity,” or as the ability of the person to perform a specific task, “physical performance.”9
Physical performance |
The ability to perform specific functional tests or tasks.9
Physical activity |
Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure.5, 9, 10
Exercise |
A subset of PA, characterized by: (1) being planned, structured, and involving repetitive bodily movements; (2) not following a conservative energy consumption approach; and (3) always intended to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness, even if the participant is not continuously aware of it.5, 10