Tonoplast labelling is unaffected by the presence of anthocyanin. Epidermal peels loaded with dyes were imaged with sequential scanning. Images are confocal optical sections of dye fluorescence (left column; a,d), with the tonoplast labelling in anthocyanic cells indicated with arrows and in white cells with asterisks, anthocyanin fluorescence (central column; b,e), and a colour transmitted light image (right column; c,f). (a–c) Lysotracker Red DND-99 (LRed) imaged with green excitation collecting shorter wavelength red fluorescence, with the longer wavelength red fluorescence collected from anthocyanin with some bleed-through of the Lysotracker. (d–f) MDY-64 imaged with blue (473 nm) excitation. Bar in (a) = 100 µm for all images.