PlyGVE2-derived recombinant lysins schematics and SDS-PAGE. (A) Schematics, PlyGVE2 supplied the N-terminal CAT domain (green), GVE2CAT, and the C-terminal CWB domain (blue) comes from one of several C. perfringens endolysins (PlyCP10, PlyCP18, PlyCP33, PlyCP41, PlyCP26F). Black box indicates the C-terminal 6 x His domain. GVE2CAT-CP26FCWB * is the previously published lysin PlyGVE2CpCWB. (B) SDS-PAGE of GVE2CAT fusion proteins purified by nickel chromatography. Lane 1 is Precision Plus Protein standard (Bio-Rad). The other lanes are as follows: lane 2, GVE2CAT; lane 3, GVE2CAT-CP10CWB; lane 4, GVE2CAT-CP18CWB; lane5, GVE2CAT-CP33CWB; lane 6, GVE2CAT-CP41CWB; lane 7, GVE2CAT-CP26FCWB; lane 8, PlyGVE2.