Figure 2.
Growth habitus and flowering time of wild type No-0, wild type Col-0 and fif mutant plants. Overview over the growth habitus and magnification of the inflorescence of 6.5-weeks old wild type No-0 (a) and fif plants (b), grown side-by-side in the greenhouse. Size bar: 5.0 cm. (c) Number of rosette-born side branches and stem-born side branches of wild type No-0 (white bars) and fif (black bars) plants. Error bars indicate the standard deviation of the mean. The statistical significance (nNo-0 = 33, nfif = 25) was testet by two-sited t-test (***: p = 2 × 10−23). (d) Relative distribution of stem length in wild type No-0, wild type Col-0 and fif mutant plants 31 days after sowing (nCol-0 = 7, nNo-0 = 16, nfif = 89). (e) Number of rosette leaves at the onset of senescence for wild type No-0, wild type Col-0 and fif mutant plants. The data are presented in Box-and-Whisker plots including the median (thick line), the upper and lower quartile (+/− 25%, white boxes) and the maximum and minimum (dottet line). The statistical significance (nNo-0 = 4, nCol-0 = 9, nfif = 38) was tested with ANOVA followed by a Tukey honest significant difference post-hoc test (*: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01; ***: p < 0.001).