Extended Data Figure 2. Calibration of fluorescence measurements with Ca2+ indicators.
a. Fluo-4 Ca2+ titration curve. Shown is the fraction of Ca2+-bound Fluo-4 bound at the indicated added [Ca2+]. Each point is a triplicate average. Titration curves are carried out in the indicated buffers. b. Fluo-4FF Ca2+ titration curve. Shown is the fraction of Ca2+-bound Fluo-4FF at the indicated added [Ca2+]. Each point is a triplicate average. c. Rhod-2 Ca2+ titration curve. Shown is the fraction of Ca2+-bound Rhod-2 at the indicated added [Ca2+]. Each point is a triplicate average. Titration is done in the absence and presence of PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone) in the assay buffer. d. Ca2+ titration curve for Fura-2AM- or Rhod-2AM-loaded mitochondria. Shown is the fraction of Ca2+-bound Fura-2 or Rhod-2 at the indicated free Ca2+ concentration in the mitochondrial matrix ([Ca2+]m). Each point is a triplicate average. 1 μM FCCP and 1 μM of the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin are used to equilibrate [Ca2+]m with the extra-mitochondrial free [Ca2+] (i.e., [Ca2+]extra, free). The [Ca2+]extra, free is measured with Fluo-5N. Equations fit to the data for panels a-d are detailed in the main methods section.