Fig 3. Intrinsic plasticity is selectively impaired in SK2-KO PCs.
(A) LTD is induced at comparable levels at PF synapses in SK2-KO PCs and WT littermates (induction protocol: 1-Hz paired PF + CF single pulse, 5 min). Upper panel: representative traces of PF-EPSCs. Lower panel: time graph of PF-EPSCs (averaged per minute) before and after the induction (at 0 min). (B) LTP is induced at comparable levels at PF synapses in SK2-KO PCs and WT littermates (induction protocol: 1-Hz PF single pulse, 5 min). Upper panel: representative traces of PF-EPSCs. Lower panel: time graph of PF-EPSCs as in A. (C) Intrinsic plasticity cannot be induced in SK2-KO PCs by a somatic depolarization protocol (this panel is reproduced in a modified form from [44]). Upper panel: representative traces of spikes evoked by a somatic depolarizing current injection of fixed amplitude, before (upper) and after (lower) the induction protocol. Lower panel: time graph of spike count (averaged per minute) before and after the induction (at 0 min). **p < 0.01. CF, climbing fiber; EPSC, excitatory postsynaptic current; KO, knockout; LTD, long-term synaptic depression; PC, Purkinje cell; PF, parallel fiber; WT, wild type.