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. 2020 Jan 13;6(1):34–45. doi: 10.1038/s41477-019-0577-7

Fig. 1. Features of the B. napus genome.

Fig. 1

a, Circos plot of the multidimensional topography for B. napus ZS11 genome. A–H, Concentric circles from outermost to innermost, show GC content (A), gene density (B), TE density (C), A/B compartment (D), SNP density in No2127 (E), SNP density in Tapidor (F), SNP density in Shengli (G) and syntenic regions between the A and C subgenomes (H). b, Genome-wide contact matrix of ZS11 genome. The colour intensity represents the frequency of contact between two 500 kb loci. c, Interaction frequency, A/B compartment and gene density in ZS11 chromosome A01. The colour scale represents the Pearson’s correlation coefficient of normalized interaction matrix. Eigv, eigenvector value of correlation matrix.