Table 3.
Number of alternative splicing events occurring in colorectal carcinoma in comparison to normal tissues.
Event Type | NumEvents.JC + readsOnTarget | SigEvents.JC + readsOnTarget |
SE | 74824 | 4361 (1456:2905) |
MXE | 22385 | 6828 (5923:905) |
A5SS | 2792 | 581 (323:258) |
A3SS | 3409 | 755 (307:448) |
RI | 824 | 275 (155:120) |
Type of alternative splicing event: SE: Skipped exon; MXE: Mutually exclusive exon; A5SS: Alternative 5′ splice site; A3SS: Alternative 3′ splice site; RI: Retained intron; NumEvents.JC + readsOnTarget: total number of events detected using both Junction Counts and reads on target; SigEvents.JC + readsOnTarget: number of significant events detected using both Junction Counts and reads on target; the numbers in the parentheses (n1:n2) indicate the number of significant events that have higher inclusion level for colorectal carcinoma (n1) or for normal tissue (n2).