Mcl-1-shRNA treatment significantly increased cyt-c protein expression in MTB-infected mouse peritoneal macrophages. After MTB infection of Mcl-1-shRNA-treated mice at 1, 3, 5, and 7 days, Western blot detected cyt-c protein expression. ECL was obtained from mouse peritoneal macrophages from all groups (uninfected, Mcl-1-shRNA3-treated, Mcl-1-shRNA3-treated BCG-infected, Mcl-1-shRNA3-treated H37Ra-infected, Mcl-1-shRNA3-treated H37Rv-infected, Mcl-1-shRNA3-treated Xinjiang-infected). A: ECL results of cyt-c protein expression of Mcl-1-shRNA-treated MTB-infected mouse peritoneal macrophages at 1, 3, 5, and 7 days. B: Cyt-c protein expression of Mcl-1-shRNA-treated MTB-infected mouse peritoneal macrophages at 1, 3, 5, and 7 days. *P<0.05 for Mcl-1-shRNA-treated groups compared with untreated groups. #P<0.05 for infected groups compared with uninfected groups. ΔP<0.05 for Mcl-1-shRNA-treated groups compared with uninfected group groups. Values are the mean ± SD.