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. 2020 Jan 10;10:2992. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02992



Submandibular salivary gland from lethal Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome cases. (A–H) Paraffin sections immunostained with anti-ANDV and background stained with Toluidine blue. (A) Low magnification showing that only mucous secreting cells contain immunoreactive hantavirus antigens. (B,B’) Adjacent sections processes for the complete immunocytochemical procedure (B) and a procedure in which incubation in the primary antibody has been omitted (B’). (C,C’) Adjacent sections of a mixed acinus processed for the complete (C) and the incomplete (control, C’) immunocytochemical procedure. ma, mucous acinus; sd, serous demilune. (D) The cells of mucous acini are filled with Hantavirus antigens. Al, acinus lumen. (E) Mixed acini. Al, acinus lumen; ma, mucous acinus; se, serous demilune. Insert. Cross section of a striated duct immunostained for ANDV and background stained whit hemathoxylin. Viral granules are seen in the supranuclear cytoplasm; at the cell base striations are recognizable (asterisk). (F) Line drawing of a mixed acinus and its excretory pathways of human submandibular gland. Virus granules (vp) localize in endothelium of capillaries (bc), mucous cells (ma) and in the lumen of the different segments of excretory pathway, namely, intercalated duct (id), striated duct (st), excretory duct (ed). Cells of striated ducts have numerous infoldings of the basal plasma membrane and numerous mitochondria. At this site, the primary secretion produced in the acinus is modified by inflow of K+ and the outflow of Na+. Green double-head arrow transcytosis of virus? (G,H) Viral antigens are in the lumen (asterisks) of intercalated ducts (id), striated ducts (st) and excretory ducts (ed), and in the cytoplasm of striated cells (arrows) and endothelial cells of capillaries. X1250. Scale bars. (A) 200 μm; (B,B’) 200 μm; (C,C’) 15 μm; (D) 15 μm; (E) 15 μm; inset 15 μm; (G) 12 μm; (H) 20 μm.