Figure 3.
Cytotoxic Potential as a Function of Duplex Melting Temperature
(A–C) Caspase activation in HeLa cells as a function of temperatures of melting (Tm) measured from absorbance melting curves for all the 256 gapmers targeting region A (A), the 256 gapmers targeting region B (B), and all 512 gapmers (C). r indicates Pearson’s correlation, r2 indicate coefficient of determination. Dashed line at 300% indicates suggested cutoff. (D) Receiver operating characteristics curve for a caspase activation cutoff at 300%, varying the Tm threshold. AUC, area under the curve; TPR, true positive rate; FPR, false positive rate. (E) Classification accuracy of gapmers divided into low and high cytotoxic potential (below or above 300%) when varying the Tm threshold. (F) Boxplot showing distributions of caspase activation levels for gapmers divided into a low/mid-Tm group and a high-Tm group based on the optimal Tm cutoff at 73°C.