Small fiber neuropathy (SFN) is considered the ‘microalbuminuric’ equivalent of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), and is often overlooked by physicians. |
Early detection of SFN is critical for the prevention and treatment of DPN. |
Diagnosis of SFN is complicated and time consuming. Up to now, no serum-based indicator that could be used for the specific detection of SFN had been identified. |
Phosphorylation of neurofilament heavy chain (pNF-H) is crucial to axonal function and structure, and pNF-H could be released into blood during axonal damage. Axonal damage is considered to be indicative of early-stage SFN. |
We hypothesize that pNF-H is closely related to SFN. |
Our study selected patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) as research subjects. The neurological complications of such patients have previously received little attention from researchers. |
Our study demonstrated the general characteristics, biochemistry, autonomic nerve function, neurophysiology, and thermal thresholds of prediabetic patients with SFN. |
Our study revealed a close relationship between pNF-H and SFN. |