Change in FEV1 (A) and adjusted lung density (B) in each pair of CT imaging subtypes. Values in each figure panel are coefficients from linear mixed regression for each comparison pair, adjusting for age, race, sex, current smoking status, cumulative smoking intensity, BMI, and FEV1. If the corrected P value is less than .05, the box is displayed in red or blue; a gray box indicates no statistical significance. Red (losing lung function or lung density faster) and blue (losing lung function or lung density slower) in each group of columns and in each group of rows indicates levels of statistical significance. For example, those with PSE had a coefficient of −0.68 for FEV1 decline, and −9.19 for change in adjusted lung density, indicating significantly faster decline for these parameters than for those with no CT imaging abnormality. See Figures 1 and 2 legends for expansion of abbreviations.