Cortical convergences of distinct projection pathways which belong to distinguishable networks. A, histogram showing the relative distribution of fibers over the considered cohort. error bars indicate the inter-individual deviations. B, Definition of the prefrontal cortex according to (Desikan et al., 2006). Left side shown only. C, density of cortical terminals in a view from anterolateral left. .D, view from midsagittal. Legend: PP, projection pathway; rnPP, red nucleus PP; snrPP, substantia nigra PP; stnPP, subthalamic nucleus PP (hyperdirect pathway); vtaPP, ventral tegmental area PP; slMFB, superolateral branch of the medial forebrain bundle; ATR, anterior thalamic radiation; mdATR, mediodorsal nucleus ATR; vlATR, ventrolateral nucleus ATR; mdATRc, mdATR with extension to cerebellum; vlATRc, vlATR with extension to cerebellum (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).