Simulation of DBS approaches for MD and OCD in different target regions. A-C; Definition of VATs (volumes of activated tissue) in MNI space, specific for distinct electrode geometries and significantly different stimulation amplitudes and settings (see methods). A, coronal overview; B, C axial views. Note: amSTN(b) and TPT are almost identical in coordinates and VAT size. D-F, simulation of same VATs in MNi152 space D, tractographic view of vtaPP, stnPP, snrPP, rnPP and mdATR; for the close-up view fibers of vtaPP, stnPP and rnPP are cut at levels y > -9 and y < -19. G, plots of all pairwise fiber activations as the sum of fiber visits within the simulated VATs. All target regions significantly recruit fibers from the reward network (vtaPP/slMFB system, column 4). ALIC (anterior limb of internal capsule DBS target) recruits almost 3-fold the fiber count from reward system than amSTN (b) and TPT (a) but needs 5-fold higher amplitude setting (10mA) and a larger electrode geometry (3 mm contact, 4 mm spacing).