Fig. 1.
Temporal waveforms and power spectra of the stimuli. A: temporal waveforms of harmonic complex tones at fundamental frequency F0 = 400 Hz with 3 different phase relationships and sinusoidally modulated noise (SAMN) at modulation frequency (Fm) = 400 Hz. COS (all harmonics in cosine phase), RAND (phase of each harmonic randomized for each neuron), and SAMN stimuli have the same envelope repetition rate at 400 Hz but different shape (COS—sharp, pulselike, RAND—flat, SAMN—sinusoidal). ALT (even harmonics in cosine phase and odd harmonics in sine phase) has envelope morphology similar to COS but twice the envelope repetition rate (800 Hz). B: power spectra of harmonic complex tones (HCTs) and SAMN. The frequency axis is truncated at 10 kHz to show detail.