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. 2020 Jan 17;21:4. doi: 10.1186/s13059-019-1918-6

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

The effect of natural variation on splicing is enhanced by infection. a Venn diagram showing the result of the local-sQTL analysis (and number of associated genes) using sQTLseekeR [21] (BH adjusted p value < 0.05, maximum difference in ratio > 0.1). The barplot shows the number of genes with a local-sQTL as well as the overlap with the set of genes with significantly different isoform ratios after infection. b GO enrichment of the genes with local-sQTLs. The analysis is similar to that in Fig. 1, but the three groups in a were tested separately, then the GO categories were pooled in REVIGO. The color of each circle’s outline indicates the gene subset that is enriched with a specific term. c Metaplot of the pooled local-sQTL results with respect to normalized gene length, and d intron length. Orange bars represent the density of local-sQTLs, while gray bars represent the density of a random sample of variants that matches the sQTL allele frequencies and is within 10 kb of genes. e ESE and ISE locations were predicted along all gene bodies using pattern matching to the reference genome after which the percentage of local-sQTLs that overlapped a predicted element was computed and plotted in red. A null distribution of the percentage overlap was produced by randomly sampling variants within gene bodies with a similar allele frequency distribution as the local-sQTLs. This was repeated 100 times and the percentage, as well as the mean (blue solid line) and standard deviations (dashed lines) were computed. A solid line shows the maximum overlap obtained through random permutations