Bipartite network displaying only the nodes that have two or more links. Viruses (circles) and host-location combinations (squares) from two physiographic regions, the Pacific Coastal Plain (light blue) and Central Depression (light green) are represented. Node sizes are proportional to the relative abundance of virus species. Links indicate associations between nodes, and their width and color (yellow to red) represent low and high relative abundances, respectively, by host and location. Hosts are weeds (W), insects (I), papaya with PRSV symptoms (PS), non-PRSV symptomatic papaya (OS), and visually asymptomatic papaya (VA). Viruses are indicated by their acronyms. Node color represents the status of the virus: reported in papaya (red), new report for Chiapas in nonpapaya hosts (orange), previously reported in Chiapas in nonpapaya hosts (yellow), and novel viruses not yet reported anywhere (purple).