Theme | Sub-themes | Sources: participant (P) and/or facilitator (F) | Example statements |
Groups | Social | P |
“From lesson 1 the teacher and the group bonded, we were all keen to help each other” (P) “[I was surprised by] the general enthusiasm of the group itself and the way we came together to play as a group”(P) “In a group situation you’re a little bit nervous that you don’t make a fool of yourself” (P) “[I disliked] the other participants not listening to instructions!” (P) |
Playing | P/F |
“There’d be two of us playing the chords and two of us playing the melodies – it was great.” (P) “One thing I enjoyed was playing with the group – the interaction with the other players”(P) “Participants enjoyed playing all the ensembles in this lesson (as they have in previous lessons)…In contrast, playing the same melody altogether sometimes caused friction”(F) |
Differences | F |
“Some clear differences between the groups are emerging. < Class > are very switched on…participating with understanding and almost teaching themselves. They get on very well together and this may help.” (F) “ < Class > are learning well but they always seem to need me to prompt them and explain things for them…no one is taking initiative in the group.”(F) “< Class > are not cohesive, connected” (F) |