Fig. 2. Correlated aggregation rate and net negative charge of scFvs at pH 6.6.
a An additional 15 s3Flag-scFv-HA proteins derived from scFvs in supplementary Fig. 2 were constructed, and their aggregation rate in HeLa cells was quantified using immunocytochemical analysis. Statistical correlation analysis of the net negative charge and aggregation rate of 16 s3Flag-scFv-HA proteins including s3Flag-scFv-A36-HA, and scFv-GFPA36 in HeLa cells (17 scFvs were tested) (left, net negative charge at pH 6.6 vs. aggregation rate: r = 0.6168, P = 0.008179; right, net negative charge at pH 7.4 vs. aggregation rate: r = 0.3709, P = 0.1427). The arrow in left panel (pH 6.6) indicates a net charge value of scFv-GFPA36, which is shifted to a higher absolute value of the negative charge in the right panel (pH 7.4), owing to its relatively high pI. The success rate of stable expression (less than around 2% aggregation) of s3Flag-scFv-HA proteins (16 total proteins) was found to be ~82%. b Statistical correlation analysis of pIs and aggregation rates of 17 scFv proteins used in a (r = 0.8392, P = 0.000025). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.