Figure 1.
Global Efficiency of the Spatial Network. Displays (A) regions of interest comprising the spatial network depicted by red spheres. The relative size of the circle reflects the global efficiency (GE) of the region. Scatter plots show significant associations between residualized GE values (controlling for age, sex, mean motion, and group status) and (B) spatial ability (Performance Intelligence Quotient [PIQ]; b = 80.51, t(69) = 1.96, p = 0.05), and (C) socioemotional impairment (Child Behavior Checklist, Total Problems; b = −50.93, t(68) = −1.81, p = 0.07). Typically developing children (TD) and children with reading disorder (RD) are shown as purple squares, and children with nonverbal learning disability (NVLD) are shown as red triangles.